BSDCan2007 - Confirmed Schedule
BSDCan 2007
The Technical BSD Conference
Chris Buechler

Chris started in the *nix world with Linux in 1997, but switched to BSD in 2000 and has never looked back. While not much of a programmer, he is a significant contributor to several BSD-related open source projects in the areas of documentation, system administration, and contributions to mailing lists. He's most involved with the m0n0wall firewall project, having contributed a good portion of the documentation, and over 2,000 messages to the mailing lists. He has been a m0n0wall committer since 2004. He co-founded the pfSense firewall distribution in 2004. He also administers the server infrastructure for the BSD Installer project. By day, he is responsible for the LAN, WAN, servers and security for a regional bank.
cbuechler at gmail dot com