BSDCan2012 - Slide Update J
BSDCan 2012
The Technical BSD Conference
Henning Brauer

Henning Brauer is 33 in lives in Hamburg, Germany. He has been running the Internet Service Provider "BS Web Services" there, for about 15 years.
He joined OpenBSD in 2002 and has been working on many things, most network related, since. He started OpenBGPD and OpenNTPD. The framework he has written for bgpd is used by almost all newer daemons in OpenBSD. He has been working on the OpenBSD packet filter, pf, from the beginning and is now one of the heads behind it. When he's not hacking you can find him mountain biking, traveling, and hiking, or in one of the many bars in his neighborhood with his friends.
henning at openbsd dot org