BSDCan2012 - Slide Update J
BSDCan 2012
The Technical BSD Conference
Andrew Pantyukhin

Andrew Pantyukhin is a clandestine hacker at large with affinities to FreeBSD, large–scale heterogeneous computing, unconventional architectures, — currently changing life, the universe and everything in a team of like minds.
Since 2010, Andrew has been the CTO with Dream Industries, a disruption lab launching next-generation cloud media services in emerging markets around the world. His responsibility and interest is rethinking development and operations to better suit current demands and those looming on new horizons, where he draws much value from his FreeBSD experience.
He has also been an aspiring Unix hacker for the last decade, a latent FreeBSD ports committer since 2006, an architect behind Gubkin University IT operations, and enjoying occasional gigs speaking about open–source and BSD at conferences and teaching FreeBSD classes.
infofarmer at FreeBSD dot org