BSDCan2013 - videolinks-2

BSDCan 2013
The Technical BSD Conference

Paul Schenkeveld
Day Tutorials - Day 2 - 2013-05-16
Room MNT 202
Start time 09:00
Duration 03:00
ID 402
Event type Workshop
Track Tutorial
Language used for presentation English

FreeBSD storage options

Partitioning schemes, boot loaders, filesystems, GEOM classes

FreeBSD offers many different ways to organize storage space. Which configuration to choose is not always a trivial task unless you do this frequently.

This tutorial gives an in−dept overview of filesystems, partition managers, raid modules, encryption layers, network storage options and boot loaders. After this overview real world configurations will be explained so attendees will leave this tutorial with enough information to make sensible decisions for installing the next system.

Preliminary table of contents:

  1. Brief history of UNIX filesystems
  2. Partitioning the UNIX way, why and how
  3. Partitioning in the PC world: MBR, EBR
  4. Traditional FreeBSD partitioning
  5. Limits imposed by legacy partitioning schemes
  6. Modern partitioning: GPT and PMBR
  7. The original UNIX filesystem
  8. Improvements: SYSV, FFS/UFS, soft−updates, journalling
  9. What others did: Ext[234]fs, XFS, Reiserfs
  10. Designed from scratch, the last word is ZFS
  11. Bootstrapping your system, multi−stage bootloaders
  12. Mixing and matching technologies with the GEOM framework
  13. Overview of the most important GEOM classes
  14. High availability: HAST
  15. SAN solutions: iSCSI
  16. Installer capabilities: sysinstall, BSDinstall, PC−BSD installer
  17. Planning your FreeBSD installation
  18. Real world examples: laptop, desktop, small server, big server


Basic knowledge of (UNIX−like) operating system is assumed, having installed such a system one or more times is preferred.