BSDCan2013 - videolinks-2

BSDCan 2013
The Technical BSD Conference

Dan Langille
Day Talks - Day 1 - 2013-05-17
Room MyCondo
Start time 18:30
Duration 03:00
ID 435
Event type Other
Track Social
Language used for presentation English

Big Social Event

Come for food & drink. Stay for the people!

Remember to bring your conference badge with you. You won't get in without your badge!

Social is what BSDCan is all about. We strive to provide you with ample opportunity to chat with your fellow attendees, the speakers, and the developers. This will be a great opportunity to do all that and more! Come along and develop some great working relationships and friendships.

This event is sponsored by EMC and will be held at MyCondo (34 Clarence Street) downtown in the market. If you know where Haveli (the Indian restaurant is, MyCondo is right across the street). Google Maps

Lots of great food will be available:

Station 1

  • Jambalaya Jalapeno Poppers
  • Coconut Shrimp

Station 2

  • Smoked Cheddar Mac & Cheese
  • Creole Meatballs – made w/ground chicken

Station 3

  • Sliders – chicken & veggie
  • Chips / salsa / guacamole
  • Kabob skewers w/vegetables (chicken & veggie)

Two (2) drink tickets per person will be provided for Bar Rail & Domestic beers. Additional beverages available for purchase at the bar(s).