BSDCan2013 - videolinks-2
BSDCan 2013
The Technical BSD Conference
Andre de Oliveira

Oliveira is a seasoned "full-stack" software expert, proud of his Unix-purist career, whose experience ranges from small hacks to DragonflyBSD and NetBSD kernels to design and implement complete software stacks.
Specialized in POSIX/Unix systems programming and object-oriented C++ systems, Oliveira keeps a substantial track record in R&D environments and his experience includes several kinds of systems and industries.
Oliveira devoted more than half of his career to embed BSD and Linux based software solutions in products such as general-purpose handheld data collectors and the Brazilian tracking radars Atlas, Adour and ST2223 Telemeasurements[1] installed at Alcantara Launching Center of the Brazilian Air Force. These last three projects built during the period he was leader of R&D software engineering at Omnisys Engineering, a subsidiary of the french Thales Group. While still an employee of Thales, Oliveira was also involved in the R&D efforts of the first Brazilian optical rocket launching tracking system - SISROT[2].
Recently, Oliveira provided R&D engineering services for organizations such as University of São Paulo and Orbisat/Embraer Defense Systems, designed and implemented projects such as a fast FTP protocol performance-testing suite for a top 3 Brazilian telecomm company and an early version of a machine-learning engine for a top 5 Brazilian e-commerce.
In the past 13 years, Oliveira is proud of been totally devoted to developing projects and products based on BSD, Linux or Unix, having never contaminated his "engineering reasoning" by the environments Microsoft's tools.
In 2009, Oliveira co-founded Chocolate Software Labs where he's now principal software engineer, but spend most of his time as a Consultant for Groupe Bull (, he's also a mathematics undergraduate student.