BSDCan2013 - videolinks-2

BSDCan 2013
The Technical BSD Conference

Dan Langille
Day Tutorials - Day 1 - 2013-05-15
Room MRT 221
Start time 13:00
Duration 03:00
ID 418
Track Tutorial
Language used for presentation English

Backup and Restore with Bacula

Nobody ever regretted making a backup

Nobody ever got famous writing backup software, yet backups form one of the fundamental basics of system administraction. There are many solutions to this simple problem:

  • do nothing
  • ad hoc solutions
  • open source packages
  • commercial packages

Not only is it important to backup data securely and reliably, you need to be able to restore the data. You need to know what was backed up, from what system, when, and where is that backup now.

If all goes according to plan, you'll have hands-on experience by the end of the tutorial. Bring your ssh and wifi enabled laptop. OPTIONAL: If you like, install bacula-fd on your laptop before you arrive. We'll configure it and get it running.

In the past decade, Bacula has been gaining ground on more established solutions, both open source and proprietary. This talk will introduce you to Bacula, show you the main components, give you an outline of how it works, and illustrate why Bacula is becoming so widespread.

In this tutorial, you will learn the basics of Bacula, a leading open source backup solution. As a Bacula developer, Dan has some unique insights into the use and deployment of Bacula. An avid user since 2004, he has used Bacula for his own networks and in commercial settings.

Topic to cover will include:

  • overview of Bacula: client, storage, director
  • Jobs
  • Schedules
  • Catalogs
  • Pools
  • FileSets
  • console commands
  • the various retention settings and how they affect your catalog*
  • which database is best for use with Bacula
  • the difference between a Bacula volume and a disk volume
  • running a job
  • restoring a job
  • automatic pruning
  • recycling of Volumes
  • using tape libraries
  • copy/migrate jobs from one media to another
  • spooling