BSDCan2015 - ZH

BSDCan 2015
The Technical BSD Conference

Jim Brown
Day Tourist Day - 14 June - 2015-06-14
Room UC 206
Start time 10:00
Duration 04:00
ID 547
Event type Workshop
Track Certification
Language used for presentation English

BSD Professional Lab Exam (beta)

2nd of 2 sessions

The BSD Certification Group will hold two sessions for the BSD Professional Lab Exam (beta) at BSDCan 2015. Session 1 will be on Thursday, June 11 from 2:00pm - 6:00pm. Session 2 will be on Sunday, June 14, from 10:00am - 2:00pm. The exam consists of a hands-on set of activities for configuring BSD systems according to the BSD Professional Certification Exam Objectives (

There is a cost associated with the exam which is not part of the BSDCan registration. Check the BSD Certification Group Registration Site at for details.

The BSD Professional (BSDP) certification is an advanced level, psychometrically valid certification for BSD system administrators offered by the BSD Certification Group (BSDCG). The requirements for the BSDP examination were developed with active input from the BSD community, system administrators, and organizations that use BSD systems in their IT infrastructure.

Following on the successful launch of the beta version of the BSDP Lab Exam at BSDCan 2014, the BSDCG will provide two Lab Exam opportunities at BSDCan 2015. Both sessions are 4 hours in length and will require the candidate to actively configure 3 BSD virtual systems according to specifications in the Lab Exam booklet. At the conclusion of the exam, each candidate will receive a score report.

For additional details and to register for the exam, please visit the BSDCG registration site at