BSDCan2015 - ZH

BSDCan 2015
The Technical BSD Conference

Maciej Pasternacki
Day Talks #2 - 13 June - 2015-06-13
Room DMS 1140
Start time 16:15
Duration 01:00
ID 574
Event type Lecture
Track Hacking
Language used for presentation English

Jetpack, a container runtime for FreeBSD

Breaking the Linux/Docker Monoculture

Jetpack brings application containers, popularized by Docker on Linux, to FreeBSD

Application containers are a new approach to virtualization, popularized in last two years by Docker - a Linux implementation that all but monopolized the market. Jetpack is an application container runtime for FreeBSD that implements the App Container Specification using jails and ZFS. I will speak about how the container paradigm is different from the existing jail management solutions, how Jetpack fits into the general landscape of container runtimes, and about Jetpack's inner workings and implementation challenges. A quick demo is not unlikely.