BSDCan2017 - 0722d
BSDCan 2017
The Technical BSD Conference
Vincenzo Maffione

Vincenzo Maffione is a PhD student at University of Pisa, working on high performance Virtual Machine networking solutions.
Vincenzo has been involved in open source since 2012, when he started working on optimization in VM networking with QEMU, during its master thesis.
Since then he has been working on the Netmap project ( and related software. He has authored or contributed different Netmap extensions for I/O virtualization, targeting QEMU, Bhyve, Xen and VirtualBox hypervisors on FreeBSD and Linux operating systems. He's enthusiastic about contributing code to open source projects.
In line with the stereotype of a typical italian, he's fond of Opera music. On the other hand, people get usually shocked because he doesn't like coffee.
v dot maffione at gmail dot com