BSDCan2015 - ZH

BSDCan 2015
The Technical BSD Conference

Olivier Cochard-Labbé
Day Talks #1 - 12 June - 2015-06-12
Room DMS 1110
Start time 16:30
Duration 01:00
ID 555
Event type Lecture
Track System Administration
Language used for presentation English

Large-scale plug&play x86 network appliance deployment over Internet

An example of nanobsd, openvpn and ansible integration

Presenting a project for large-scale and plug&play network appliance deployment.

How a lazy network administration do for building, deploying and manage thousand of network appliances all over the world ?

This talk presents an example of solution combining FreeBSD, OpenVPN and Ansible for answering to this question.

Starting from the initial needs of providing:

  • multi-role network appliances: VPN Router, Wifi Access Point, Captive Portal, Firewalls, etc…
  • to all our offices: Worldwide and over Internet
  • by simplifying at maximum their deployment: Plug & play appliance
  • and reducing at maximum management tasks: Centralized and configuration template driven.

It will present the technical choices, design and problems encountered.