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Call for papers


Announcements regarding the Conference will be sent to the announcement mailing list.

9 May 2005 - more updates

In this announcement:

   Room Assignments
   Schedule Changes
   Key Signing
   BOF sessions!


The room assignments for the tutorials and the talks have been 
finalized.  Please refer to the schedule for details.  All talks in a 
particular track will be in the same room.  The room assignments are 
also displayed with the details of the talk.


Isaac Levy has stepped in to take over the Jail Tutorial after the 
original tutor was unable to attend.  Our thanks to Isaac for this 
last minute assistance.

Robert Watson will be doing the BSM Security Event Logging for 
FreeBSD talk.

Jacques Vidrine has updated the description for his VuXML talk.


Matthew Wilcox will be coordinating the key signing.  Full details

If you don't know what a keysigning is, try this URL.

4 May 2005 - schedule changes

Hello folks,

In this announcement:

   - Not much time now!
   - Registration closes soon
   - Plenty of rooms available
   - T-shirts
   - Schedule change

Not much time now!

Yesterday I realised that it was less than a week before people start 
arriving in town for BSDCan.  One week from today, the first tutorial 


Registration closes soon

Please note that online registration closes on Tuesday 10 May 2005 at 
6PM EST.  You can still register in person, but it attracts a CAD$50 
premium and you must pay in cash.  Payment must be in cash, money 
order, travellers cheque, or certified cheque. No credit cards are 
accepted for registration at the conference.


Plenty of rooms available

I was in touch with the University of Ottawa residence reservations.  
They still have plenty of rooms available.  It seems that the earlier 
panic has disappeared.  Perhap bookings for other events have fallen 
through.  But BSDCan is still going ahead!  I recommend staying on 
campus for the price and convenience.



Don't forget to bring cash with you to buy a t-shirt.  They are 
printed on high-quality cotton and they will be available in your 
size, whatever that is.

Schedule changes

We regret to announce that Alexey Zelkin has had to withdraw from the 
conference for personal reasons.  We are pleased to announce that 
D'Arcy J.M. Cain will present a talk titled "Easy Software-
Installation with pkgsrc".


Chris Vance will be giving the SEBSD talk.


Everything is looking great.  You can still register and be part of 
BSDCan 2005.

See you at BSDCan.

2 May 2005 - ten days to go!

Hello folks,

In this announcement:

   - Ten days to go!
   - Social schedule finalized
   - Secret new feature slashdot'd
   - Have you registered?

Ten days to go!

Ten days from today, everyone will be in the town for BSDCan. The 
first major event is registration at the Royal Oak pub.  We'll be 
there for lunch too, but registration opens at 3:30 PM and continues 
until 8 PM.  Avoid the crowds on Friday morning and get your 
registration pack on Thursday night!  If you can't get to the pub, 
you can still pick up your pack with the rest of the mob on Friday 
morning.  Join us for a pint at the Royal Oak!

Social schedule finalized

The social schedule has been finalised.  Please refer to the Social
page and the schedule for full details.  In brief, we're going to:
  • Hard Rock Cafe on Friday night
  • Royal Oak on Saturday for lunch
  • Paddy Bollands on Saturday night
Addresses, maps, and times are available on the website. Be there for the biggest BSD social events of the year. Secret new feature slashdot'd ============================= As promised, we released details of the secret new feature on Thursday. We gave an exclusive and they certainly came through for us. On Friday, the story arrived on Slashdot. <> <> <> Next week, expect to see details of the security issue to be announced on the 12th. <a href="">> Have you registered? ==================== Have you registered? If you haven't registered, please do so now. You don't want to miss out on BSDCan. Talk to those who attended last year. They were very happy with the reults. And so were we! Register now! Don't miss out again this year! See you at BSDCan!

28 April 2005 - live network backup announcement

*For Immediate Release*

There is little more devastating than failure of your laptop's hard
drive - especially when working away from home base. Now imagine the
ability to automatically maintain complete and up-to-date duplicates of
laptop hard disk drives - even while working remotely around the world.

At BSDCAN 2005, a new Canadian-developed technology will be premiered,
demonstrating the ability to maintain a "live mirror" of critical data
from remotely-connected computer systems. The connection between the
remote laptop (client) and the mirror host (server) is opportunistic -
making use of Internet connectivity when it is available to synchronize
the remote laptop and the mirror host. This facility runs as an
unattended background process without operator intervention.

Developed by a noted NetBSD developer, known as "der Mouse" in the BSD
world, the facility is being released in full source code format to the
public domain - without software license restrictions, and freely
available to all. The premier functionality released runs on the NetBSD
Operating System, and is file system independent. Ports to other
operating systems are expected to occur very quickly.

This live mirroring facility intelligently monitors blocks of the
client's disk drive storage, and any blocks that have changed are sent
to the server across the Internet ... as soon as a connection becomes
available. Data transfers are encrypted, and the bandwidth needed is
surprisingly small - as once the facility is initialized, only
incremental block level differences are needed to maintain the
server-hosted copy. The disk mirroring facility happens automatically -
at airport wireless access points, client-site guest network connections
and anywhere your laptop can find a connection to it's home base.

On May 13-14 at the University of Ottawa will be hosting BSDCAN 2005.
BSDCAN 2005 is a technical conference for developers, users and people
interested in the technology behind today's network connected world.



Live remote disk mirroring facility:

email: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>

BSDCAN 2005:

email: Dan Langille <>


26 April 2005 - Three weeks to go!

In this announcement:

   - Three weeks to go!
   - SITE venue is great!
   - Secret new feature
   - Speaker changes

Three weeks to go!

Three weeks from today, the first conference attendees will start 
arriving for BSDCan 2005!  The FreeBSD Developer Summit starts on 
Wednesday May 11 and most of the people attending the summit will be 
staying on for the rest of the conference.  I know I'm looking 
forward to catching up with some people I haven't seen since last 

SITE venue is great!

I was at the SITE venue today, talking over the wireless network 
support with the University of Ottawa staff.  We discussed the 
conference, and the locations we wanted to have wireless access.  
We'll also have a few hubs so you can plug in should you not have a 
wireless card.  Remember to bring your extensions cords!

I took some pictures of the building.  If I have time, I'll put them 
up on the website.

By the way, there is a Tim's in the building, but it will be closed 
on Saturday.

Secret New Feature

Watch the news websites for an upcoming announcement about this 
secret new feature.  It will happen on Thursday.  When you read about 
it, make sure to spread the news around to everyone you know.  

Speaker changes

The Montreal Wireless Group talk will be given by Mina Naguib.

See you at BSDCan!

19 April 2005 - Work In Progress session

This year, BSDCan will be hosting a set of Work-in-Progress (WIP) 
sessions, which will offer an opportunity for individuals or groups 
to give up to five minute presentations on a on-going project.  
Slides are permitted but not obligatory, but pictures are highly 
recommended! Typical topics for WIPs might include new open source 
software projects, specific works in progress for future releases of 
existing projects, student projects, or other new and interesting 
things.  WIP topics this year may make good conference papers for 
next year!  

A one hour time slot is available for WIPs, so the number of slots is 
limited!  Sign up well in advance to be assured a spot.  Please e-
mail to sign up -- send a one or two paragraph 
summary of the topic to be presented, and the person(s) presenting 
it.  Also, please give a time estimate -- typically times will be one 
to five minutes. The time limit will be strictly enforced.  The WIP e-
mail registration deadline is May 6, after which remaining slots (if 
any) may be signed up for in person.  Any slides must be provided in 
advance, in PDF, Open Office, or Powerpoint format.  The WIP session 
will be chaired by Robert Watson.  The deadline for slides is 
midnight Friday 13 May 2005 and they should be sent to

12 April 2005 - Meet The Authors book signing

On Friday 13 May there will be two "Meet the Authors" book signing
sessions. These sessions will be occurring at 11:00AM and 3:00PM in
between the scheduled BSDCan 2005 presentations. The signing sessions
will be taking place in the new SITE building, at the corner of Mann
Avenue and King Edward, across from the Athletic Centre. This is
the same building as the presentations.

These book signing sessions present a rare opportunity to meet with
and talk to experts on a variety of technical topics. Authors present
are Richard Bejtlich (The Tao of Network Security Monitoring: Beyond
Intrusion Detection), Dru Lavigne (BSD Hacks), Michael W. Lucas (Cisco
Routers for the Desperate), Greg Lehey (The Complete FreeBSD), George
V. Neville-Neil and Kirk McKusick (The Design and Implementation of
the FreeBSD Operating System). Many of the authors will be presenting
papers at the conference.

23 March 2005 - on campus accommodation


We more information, as yet unconfirmed, regarding on-campus 
accommodation.  Apparently, they are not taking bookings until the 
29th. This isn't ideal, but it's better than the previous reports of 
overbooking.  My recommendation: keep trying.

The rate for Les Suites has been corrected.  We were given incorrect 
information and regret any inconvenience this will cause.


I hope you have confirmed your travel plans by now.  Book early to 
get cheaper prices.  If you need a travel visa, I hope you've applied 
for it already.  Please don't leave it to the last minute.

We already have 16 people coming from Europe.  That's an impressive 
number considering the conference is still 7 weeks away.


We have traded two Friday talks.  "DocBook Slides, XSLT, and XSL-FO" 
will now be at 10 AM and "Keeping FreeBSD Up-To-Date" will now be at 
11:30 AM.

Are you wondering about this secret new feature to be revealed at 
BSDCan?  I know details, but I'm not telling anyone anything.  But I 
can say that I'm quite excited about it, and look forward to using it 
once it become available.  I have no doubts that it will soon be 
implemented in various operating systems.

Nor can I tell you anything about Colin Percival's talk about a new 
security issue.  I can't tell you anything about this either.  That's 
because I don't know anything about it.  Details will be released 
closer to the conference.


BSDCan 2005 will be held at University of Ottawa, the same place as 
last year, but in a new building.  The School of Information 
Technology and Engineering (SITE) is the University of Ottawa's 
centre for research and teaching in all areas related to computing, 
computers and communications.  This is a most appropriate location 
for BSDCan.  The building is amazing.  We will be using three large 
lecture halls and there is a large lobby between two of them.  A 
large glass atrium goes along one whole side of this building.  It's 
a great location!

See you at BSDCan 2005!

22 March 2005 - on campus accommodation

I've just heard that on-campus accomodation is overbooked for the 
conference period.  However, if you book and pay 50% of your 
accommodation now, you will have a room.

See you at BSDCan 2005!

10 March 2005 - registration opens

Registration for BSDCan 2005 is now open.  Please register now.

See you at BSDCan 2005!

9 March 2005 - pricing

The BSDCan 2005 prices have been set.

Registration will open very soon (on or before 11 March 2005).

I hope you're starting making your travel arrangements!

See you at BSDCan 2005!

4 March 2005 - Schedule released

The BSDCan 2005 schedule has been released.  Please visit the website 
to see the schedule for the talks at BSDCan 2005.

Registration will open on 11 March 2005.  Conference prices will have 
not been finalized, but they will be similar to 2004.

If you have not already arranged your travel visa, we recommend 
starting that process now.

See you at BSDCan 2005!

22 February 2005 - Program announced

Hello folks,

The program has been released.  Please visit the website to see the 
collection of talks for BSDCan 2005.  We have a varied and 
interesting line up for your conference enjoyment.  We will announce 
the schedule at a later date. The conference dates are May 13-14 and 
that the tutorials will be in the day or two before the conference. 

As previously mentioned, the FreeBSD project will be holding a 
developer summit just before BSDCan 2005.  We will be providing space 
for the developers and look forward to their participation in the 

Conference prices have not been finalized, but they will be similar 
to 2004.

We have updated the Travel page with additional information about 
visa and contact details for the residence accommodation.  We 
recommend staying on campus.  Prices remain the same as last year.  

See you at BSDCan 2005!

9 Jan 2005 - Dates announced

Hello folks,

Welcome to the first BSDCan 2005 announcement of the year.

BSDCan 2005 will be 13-14 May 2005.  There will be related events on 
the 12th and the 15th (of a social nature, for the most part).

Paper submissions have been steady since the announcement went out in 
December.  This is a reminder that the closing date for papers is 19 
January 2005.  If you have an idea for a paper, please let us know.  
If you have suggestions for who you would like to hear speak, please 
tell us and we'll approach them.

The FreeBSD project will be holding a developer summit just before 
BSDCan 2005.  We will be providing space for the developers and look 
forward to their participation in the conference.

If your project is also interesting in meeting up at BSDCan 2005, 
please let us know and we'll see what we can arrange for you.

In our next announcement, we will have updated accommodation costs 
and conference pricing.  We expect prices to be close to those of 
last year.


2 Dec 2004 - Call for Papers

	BSDCan 2004 was an enormously successful grass-roots style 
conference.  It brought together a great mix of *BSD developers and 
users for a nice blend of both developer-centric and user-centric 
presentations, food, and activities.  Based upon that accomplishment, 
planning for the next event began shortly thereafter. 

BSDCan 2005 will be held May 13-14, 2005, in Ottawa.  We are now 
requesting proposals for papers. 

The papers should be written with a very strong technical content 
bias. Papers and proposals of a business development or marketing 
nature are not appropriate for this venue. 

The schedule is: 

19 Dec 2004     Proposals acceptance begins         
19 Jan 2005     Proposals acceptance ends         
19 Feb 2005     Confirmation of accepted proposals         
19 Mar 2005     Abstracts due         
19 Apr 2005     Formatted final papers must arrive no later than this 

Please submit all proposals to 

NOTE: This is the schedule for formal papers. We are also accepting 
submissions for for talks and presentations. If you have a proposal, 
please contact us on

21 May 2004

The BSDCan 2004 website has been archived to 2004.

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