![]() Announcements regarding the Conference will be sent to the announcement mailing list. 16 May 2006Folks, I have published the papers I have. I hope to get the remainder very soon. There is a link to the Papers directory from the home page of the site. Thank you for helping make BSDCan 2006 a success. See you at BSDCan 2007.
10 May 2006We have replacements talks for those which were cancelled.
10 May 2006We regret to announce that two speakers will be unable to attend BSDCan 2006. As such, their talks have been withdrawn. We will announce replacement talks at the conference on Friday. The talks withdrawn are:
9 May 2006Online registration for BSDCan 2006 closes on Tuesday 9 May 2006 at 6PM EST. All registration payments after online registration closes will be at the conference and will attract a CAD$50 premium added to the online fee. Payment must be in cash, money order, travellers cheque, or certified cheque. No credit cards are accepted for registration at the conference. If you have special circumstances regarding registration/payment, please contact me. FYI: there were 17 registrations in the past 24 hours. 8 May 2006Hello folks: The first people have arrived in Ottawa for BSDCan. I met up with them last night. I know others are literally in the air as I type... flying their way to the biggest BSD event of the year. Everything is ready. We're just waiting now. In this announcement:
TUTORIALSI hope you haven't forgotten about our tutorials! ONLINE REGISTRATION CLOSES TUESDAYOnline registration closes Tuesday 9 May 2006 at 6PM EST. You can still register at BSDCan, but you will be charged a $50 premium, and you must pay in cash, money order, travellers cheque, or certified cheque. We will not accept credit cards at the conference. TIMS: OPEN OR NOT?I have confirmed that Tim Hortons, on the next level up in SITE, will be open 8am - 2:30pm, but closed on Saturday. On Friday and Saturday, BSDCan will be providing coffee, tea, and water. Refreshments will be available before the first talk, and during each morning and afternoon break. TAX REFUNDSTax refunds for visitors to Canada Some of the things you buy may be eligible for tax refunds.
FRIDAY/SATURDAY NIGHTOn Friday night, we'll be meeting at Paddy Bolands for dinner and drinks. [Google map] On Saturday night, we'll be at the Royal Oak on Saturday night. You should all know where that is. Refer to the map in your registration pack or this Google map. BREAKFAST OPTIONSThe ZamPub, right across the road from SITE, has a breakfast special from 7am. For $3.95 you get 2 eggs, one of (ham, bacon, sausage), home fries, toast, and unlimited coffee. Sorry, I've never been there, so I can't comment. The University center, close to the Residence, also has breakfast available. [details] Personally, I prefer Cora's The location closest to the conference is at 179 Rideau Street, near Waller. [Google map] KEY SIGNING!We will again be holding a key signing immediately after the conference. [Details] If you don't know what a keysigning is, try this URL. See you at BSDCan! 5 May 2006Hi folks, We're into the last week now. Just about everything is ready to go. We have only a few last minute things to complete. Yes, as always, we'll be ready for you when you arrive. We'll be at the Royal Oak on Thursday for lunch, and from mid-afternoon with your registration pack. See you there! In this announcements:
BOFSWe have added three new BOFs: TUTORIALSFor those of you attending tutorials, they will be in the SITE build, room F0126. Your registration pack will be available at your tutorial. There are vending machines in the building, and a Tim Horton's one floor up (but I'm not convinced it will be open on Saturday). There is a pub across the road that has decent food (ZamPub). WEBSITE CHANGESWe have created a new page dedicated to University of Ottawa information. You can find maps, directions, booking information, and contact details on this page. This information was previously on the the Hotel + Travel page. 2 May 2006Gidday folks! In this announcements:
IT'S NEXT WEEK!On Monday morning, the courier arrived with some BSDCan-related material. As I was walking back up the stairs, I realized: BSDCan is next week! OMG! This time next week, some of the early birds will have arrived. Everything is already in place. There's not much left to do. Oh sure, we have to print up some badges, and put together your registration pack, but that's pretty easy to do. T-SHIRTSBy the way, this year, your BSDCan t-shirt is free, thanks to PARSE. \o/ WE'RE ON FOR NEXT YEARNext week is the third annual BSDCan, and yes, there will be a fourth. The date is already set. THANKS SPONSORSThe response by our sponsors has been terrific. I want to thank the folks from USENIX, The FreeBSD Foundation, PARSE, iXsystems, O'Reilly, Steven's Institute of Technology, and nCircle. Their support is very valuable. STICKING AROUND ON SUNDAY?If you're sticking around on Sunday the 14th of May, there are a few things we can do: We can easily do the War Museum or Parliament tour, then the game. If you have other suggestions, please speak up See you next week! 27 April 2006I'm pleased to announce the WIP session signup for BSDCan 2006. Last year, the WIP session was very successful, with presentations on topics as diverse as new SSH implementations to BSD-based voicemail systems, and we hope to replicate that success this year. The format remains essentially the same: in a one hour period, audiences are entertained and informed by a rapid fire series of short talks on interesting new or on-going work by individuals or groups. Slides aer permitted, but not obligatory; pictures are highly recommended. Topic areas include new open source software projects, works in progress for future releases of existing projects, student projects, etc. WIP topics this year may make good conference papers next year! The number of slots is limited, and experience suggests there will be more takers than slots. Sign up well in advance to be assured a spot. Please e-mail <wip@bsdcan.org> to sign up. Send a one or two paragraph summary of the topic to be presented, and the names of the person(s) presenting it. Also, please give a time estimate -- typically times will be one to five minutes. The time limit will be strictly enforced -- you will be cut off if you try to run over! The WIP e-mail registration deadline is May 6, after which remaining slots (if any) may be signed up for in person. Any slides must be received by the WIP session chair by, at latest, May 11 at 11:59pm GMT. The session chair this year is Robert Watson. 27 April 2006Yes, it's two weeks to go until BSDCan 2006! In just 14 days, people will be gathering at the pub for lunch, and registration will be opening at the Royal Oak! In this announcement:
TIMETABLE CHANGESThere have been three slight changes to the timetable:
LUNCH - locationsLast year was our first year at SITE. Many people went to the ZAM pub, right across the road. Given the proximity to the conference, we've made arrangements have a buffet ready for you. Of course, if in the unlikely event you don't like what you see on the buffet table, you will be able to order off the menu. The buffet will be the fast way to get your grub and get back on time. No, we're not paying for your lunch. :) DINNER LOCATIONSIn previous years, we've always had one location where everyone went. This year, as much as we hesitate to change a successful formula, we are going to recommend a few dining establishments and let the groups form by themselves. The list will be in your registration pack. REFRESHMENTSCoffee and water will be available in the lobby before the first talk of each day. It will be refreshed for the afternoon break. There is also a small cafe on the main floor just up from the conference. In previous years, it has been closed on Saturday. 20 April 2006Hi folks! It is just three short weeks until BSDCan 2006. I was at the University of Ottawa yesterday, and while there, I finalized some details regarding our on-campus accommodation. If you have already booked your on-campus accommodation and are staying in the two-bedroom suites, then I have good news. Your rate just got cheaper. If you email me by Monday 24 April, I can get you in on this deal. Otherwise, you'll have to do it yourself by following the instructions are the URL below. NOTE: If you've been invited to the FreeBSD Developer Summit and are staying in residence, you're already been included in this block. Full details on our travel page. See you at BSDCan 2006! 18 April 2006We have made a slight change to the registration terms and conditions. In short, we want you to pay before online registration closes on Tuesday 9 May at 6PM EST. This change only affects you if you have not yet paid. Below you will see the changes as taken from http://www.bsdcan.org/2006/register.php For your convenience, I have hightlighted the one word change by putting it in bold. The old:
The new:
To recap, we want you to pay before you get to the conference. If you pay after online registration closes, you must pay the premium and you must pay in cash, in person, at the conference. If this small change will cause hardship, please contact me directly. 13 April 2006Hi folks, In this announcement:
FOUR WEEKS!It's just four very short weeks until BSDCan 2006. Most people I know have already booked their accommodation and travel. However, you may be one of those that wait until the last minute. In the first two years of BSDCan, there has always a small flood of registrations in the last few weeks. Don't put it off. Do it today. SPONSORSTwo new sponsors have come onboard: We thank them for their support. They join our other sponsors:
OPEN SOURCE WEEKENDOpen Source Weekend (OSW) has been going for a number of years. I've been involved with OSW for a number of years. This year, they will be holding a an open source fun day at University of Ottawa, on Sunday May 14, following BSDCan. Admission is free.SCHEDULE CHANGESWe previously announced that one talk had been withdrawn. We have a replacement. Dru Lavigne will talk about the BSD Certification Group. In addition, there will also be a BoF for BSD Certification. SPREAD THE WORDThe BSDCan 2006 brochure has been updated. Please download this two- page PDF and spread it around. Let your friends and local user groups know about BSDCan. As always, if you have any suggestions or comments, please let us know. See you at BSDCan 2006! 6 April 2006Hi folks, In this announcement:
FIVE WEEKS!Five weeks from today, the FreeBSD Developer Conference will be half over, the second day of tutorials will have started, people will be collecting their registration packs at the Royal Oak, and another BSDCan 2006 will be well underway! If you haven't registered yet, I encourage you to start now. Don't miss out! SPONSORSBSDCan proudly announces that USENIX become a major sponsor of BSDCan 2006. Our other major sponsor is The FreeBSD Foundation. PARSE will be providing the t-shirts for BSDCan 2006. T-shirts will be given to all conference attendees. Our sponsors also include O'Reilly, Steven's Institute of Technology , The FreeBSD Diary, and FreshPorts. TRAVEL PLANSWe urge you to make your travel plans immediately. Not only do last minute tickets cost more, if you need a visa, you must apply now. If you need a letter of invitation, please contact me and I will fax one to your local consulate. For tips and suggestions please read our travel and hotel page . WORKS IN PROGRESSAs for 2005, we will have a Works in Progress session where you can give a 5 minute talk about your projects. Slides are optional. See the URL for details and sign up now. See you at BSDCan 2006! 27 March 2006Hi folks, In this announcement:
SCHEDULEThe schedule for BSDCan 2006 has been released. BASEBALLDon't rush off right after the conference. On Sunday, 14 May, we're heading out to watch the local minor league baseball team play Buffalo. Bad weather? In Ottawa? Impossible. But we have a contingency plan should the sky start falling. Want to know more? OTHER SOCIAL EVENTSThe pre-conference lunch on Thursday 11 May will be at the Royal Oak. That's the same place as the previous two years. You'll remember the sunshine and the outdoor patio, warm spring weather, and the beer. Yeah, that's the place. Registration opens later that day at the same location. Actually, we spend most of today at this pub. Lunch for Friday and Saturday during the conference is yet to be finalized, but we suspect we'll be meeting at the Zam Pub, right across the road from the conference location. More details later. As for dinner on Friday and Saturday, we're working on that now. Rest assured, it'll be a nice place, with decent prices, good food, and great company. Remember: BSDCan prices are low. Part of that deal means you pay for your own food and drinks. See you at BSDCan 2006! 10 March 2006Hi folks, Registration is now open. Please register today. Registering and paying for BSDCan trip may be easy, but travel isn't always as carefree. Please book your flight/train/etc ASAP. The schedule details will be released in late March, but remember the presentations are already posted. See you at BSDCan! 2 March 2006Hello folks, In this announcement:
REGISTRATIONThe schedule is in the final stages of preparation and will be released soon. Registration will open shortly thereafter. Conference prices will be the same as last year. ON CAMPUS ACCOMMODATION / BOOK YOUR TRIP NOW!May is not far away. Start booking your accommodation and travel now! If you need a visa to enter Canada, please apply for one today. If you need a passport, apply for one today! We have updated the Travel page with additional information about the getting to Ottawa if you fly into Montreal. While in Ottawa, we recommend staying on campus. BRINGING A FRIEND?Are you bringing a friend with you? If so, please let us know. We want to create a program of activities. There are many museums, places to see, shopping, and recreational activities. For example, you might be interested in the Tulip Festival (it's more than just flowers). See you at BSDCan 2006! 23 February 2006Hello folks, In this announcement:
BSDCan 2006 PROGRAMThe program for BSDCan 2006 has been released. Please visit the website to see the great line of speakers for BSDCan 2006. The schedule of events will be released at a later date and it will follow a similar format to last year. The conference dates are May 12-13 and that the tutorials will be in the day or two before the conference.SPONSORSHIPBSDCan 2006 is proudly sponsored by: FREEBSD DEVELOPER SUMMITAs last year, the FreeBSD project will be holding a developer summit just before the conference. BSDCan will be providing the space for the developers and look forward to their participation in the conference. See you at BSDCan 2006! 12 January 2006Hello folks, I'm writing to remind you that the deadline for the Call For Papers is one week away. Please get your submissions in before that date. You don't want to miss out presenting at the biggest BSD event of the year. BSDCan 2006 will be held May 12-13, 2006, in Ottawa at University of Ottawa. We are now requesting proposals for papers. The papers should be written with a very strong technical content bias. Papers and proposals of a business development or marketing nature are not appropriate for this venue. The schedule is:
Please submit all proposals to papers@bsdcan.org NOTE: This is the schedule for formal papers. We are also accepting submissions for for talks and presentations. If you have a proposal, please contact us on papers@bsdcan.org. 24 November 2005Hello folks, BSDCan 2005 proved that the first annual BSDCan was no fluke. We've demonstrated repeatedly that we know how to put on a good conference. It's hard to follow on from such success, but we know we can keep improving. It is with great pleasure that I announce the BSDCan 2006 Call For Papers. BSDCan 2006 will be held May 12-13, 2006, in Ottawa at University of Ottawa. We are now requesting proposals for papers. The papers should be written with a very strong technical content bias. Papers and proposals of a business development or marketing nature are not appropriate for this venue. The schedule is:
Please submit all proposals to papers@bsdcan.org NOTE: This is the schedule for formal papers. We are also accepting submissions for for talks and presentations. If you have a proposal, please contact us at papers@bsdcan.org. 8 November 2005The BSDCan 2005 website has been archived and the BSDCan 2006 website created. T-Shirts!We did another printing of the BSDCan 2005 t-shirts. They are CAD$20 each, plus shipping. On the front is the BSDCan mascot. On the back is a list of all the talks from BSDCan 2005. The first printing went quickly. The second one will too! [NOTE: All the t-shirts have gone! Thank you.] |